
Home Pedodontics



A branch of dentistry that provides healthy prevention of deciduous and permanent teeth of 0-13 years old children and solves the problems of teeth caused by factors like decay, trauma, congenital etc.

The primary aim of a pedodontist is to take precautions for preventing dental problems and canalize patients to a future without caries. Procedures that are performed for this purpose is called ‘Preventive Dentistry Procedures’. Pedodontics treatments are including;

  • Topical fluoridation for children under high risk of caries,
  • Fissure sealents for permanent molars prone to caries,
  • Restorative treatments for deciduous and permanent teeth having caries (filling),
  • Root canal treatment for infectious deciduous and permanent teeth,
  • Extraction of teeth with chronic infection,
  • Preparing fixed /removable space maintainer to maintain the space of missing deciduous tooth in early period due to infection,
  • Preventive orthodontic procedures (lingual appliance, cross bite appliances for eliminating anterior cross bite),
  • Clear night guards to prevent abrasion of teeth surfaces due to tooth grinding during daily life or sleeping at nights,
  • Dental treatments under general anesthesia,
  • Esthetic fillings for fractured teeth due to trauma,
  • Includes follow up for tooth growing and eruption.